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Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery
Whether recovering from an injury, or deciding to have a knee or hip replacement, orthopedic patients have unique needs that St. Anthony Regional Hospital can meet. Located across the walkway from the main hospital entrance on the north side, the St. Anthony Orthopedic Unit offers each patient spacious, private rooms, with staff who are dedicated to providing the best care to orthopedic patients.
One of the first steps to a new joint is to attend one of St. Anthony’s Joint Replacement Classes. This class gives you helpful information about preparing for your surgery, adapting your home for recovery, and knowing what to expect following surgery.
Patients are encouraged to make plans to attend a class a few weeks, or even a few months, before surgery, if possible. Evidence shows that those who have attended a joint class early, and prepared for surgery by doing the recommended exercises, have the best results. Even if your surgery is not yet scheduled, but you know joint replacement is in your future, plan to attend a class so that you can feel confident about your surgery.
Attending a class in person is highly recommended since you are able to ask questions or receive clarification. But if you’re unable to attend a class, or have attended a class in the past but need a refresher for a new surgery, you may click here to watch the video.
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